Friday, April 14, 2006

Google Calendar - Very Cool!

There have been occasions that I forgot to bring my iPAQ with me...hard to believe but true. And there have been times when I forgot not only my iPAQ but my Windows Mobile phone for me, that is even harder to believe ... but true.

So, what's the big deal? It just so happened that last night I went out to eat at a friends restaurant and they asked if I had next Sunday free to get together. I reached for my iPAQ, I didn't have it. So I reched for my phone and I didn't have it either....yikes!!

So how could I tell them if we were available...easy! I used their PC, logged onto Google Calendar, looked at the date and saw we were free. So I plugged in the "date" and we were all set. Now what was even better was that my wife was 200 miles away when I booked the appointment. She can see it by logging on at home....very cool. A joint calendar so to speak!

I think it is great to be able to keep track of all the events in our lives and to be able to coordinate our schedules. Google thought so too and created Google Calendar!

With Google Calendar, you can share your schedule with friends and family. It sure makes it easy to coordinate events!! What else is cool is that you decide who can view your calendar and what they can see (very important).

There are a variety of great features some of which I am still discovering but from my initial experience, this is very cool and well worth looking at. BTW, you can set up automatic reminders, have an SMS sent reminding you of an event and use a very good search tool to find information in your calendar.

This is definitely worth the look folks! You can find Google Calendar here. It is absolutely amazing how fast you can set up your calendar...seconds and it is done.

Give it a try...I am sure you will like it!

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