Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Future - ColorComb Eyewear

ColorLink introduces ColorComb™ eyewear to enable new advanced multi-functional LCD displays. A number of LCD display manufacturers have recently announced development of LCD monitors using LEDs of six different colors as a backlight. ColorComb eyewear leverages these recent developments to enable 3D viewing. Using the theory of spectral-division stereo display ColorComb glasses will allow viewers a more realistic experience by allowing for 3D viewing. Till now even though most games written in OpenGL or DirectX could be viewed in 3D the equipment to do so was prohibitively expensive. Now by simply using an inexpensive pair of ColorComb glasses with these next-generation LCD displays the thrill of 3D viewing is possible.

Seeking to have privacy when using your laptop on a plane, ColorComb eyewear allows only you to see the display. It appears gray to the person seated next to you. In addition, ColorComb glasses with specially enabled LCD TVs allow one viewer wearing one pair of glasses to watch one TV show and a second viewer with a second pair can watch another show. Unlike traditional PIP each viewer sees their respective show in full-screen HD.

ColorLink’s President, Leo Bannon, stated, “We hope by providing a source of inexpensive spectral-division eyewear, LCD display makers will begin to leverage advancements in multi-primary LED based LCD displays to add functionality to these next generation products. With almost no additional cost, users could be able to view stunning 3D. Simultaneous viewing of two different TV shows by two different viewers could eliminate the need for fighting over the remote.”

ColorLink is currently developing this idea with a number of CE companies and believes that such products could be enabled in the very near future.

Visit ColorLink here.

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