Monday, September 18, 2006

InScribe - Free Text Entry Program for Your UMPC

InScribe is a fast and easy way to enter text on your UMPC or tablet PC, offering several methods of text entry, so you can find the one that is fastest for you. With InScribe, you can resize and customize your keyboard any way you want, saving new layouts or adjusting your keyboard as you work.

With InScribe as your keyboard you can:

Tap Through the Keyboard: InScribe's Ghost option lets you work with files or programs that are open behind your keyboard, without having to move it out of the way. Fill out forms, tap Submit buttons or open files in dialog boxes, and leave InScribe open in Ghost mode until you need it again.
Shrink and Restore Your Keyboard Easily: Use the Tiny option to shrink your InScribe keyboard to a tiny window, so it's out of the way but still available. When you need it again, it's easy to maximize - even on a UMPC.
Adjust the Size to Your Personal Style: InScribe is completely resizable. Adjust it so the keys fit your fingers, or to get the perfect size for comfortable dragging.
Choose Your Own Layouts: You can have as many layouts as you like, and can switch them whenever you need to. We have included a number of basic layouts to get you started, plus you can create customized layouts with just the keys you want. Make different keyboards for email, numeric functions, notetaking, and anything you need.
See Your Work Behind the Keyboard: You can adjust the transparency level of your keyboard, letting you easily see what you are working on all the time, because your work shows right through!
Work How You Want: Set the Space on Pen Up option to match your preferred style of text entry. Turn this option on if you like to enter text by dragging the stylus, and pick the stylus up after each word. Keep this option turned off if you are entering text by tapping.

Click read more below to see the full news item

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