Monday, July 17, 2006

UMPC History video featuring Otto Burkes

This is too good a post to not pass on to you. Of course I'd like to claim it as my own, but giving credit when credit is due, I saw it at JKONTHERUN via Mobilitysite. Pretty great find Kevin; I hadn't seen this until Chris linked you guys!!

Here is a great video of Otto Burkes going over the history and what is to come of the UMPC platform. He shows some prototypes and other goodies. This is a must see!

"Microsoft's Mobile Platform Division Manager, Otto Berkes, gave us a brief history of the Origami project and then goes on to show us what the VIA VX700 will allow in terms of size reduction."

Also, you may want to check out Otto's team blog entries on the History of UMPC.


Anonymous said...

Very cool clip - thanks for that Jack - have linked to it over here:

Jack said...

Thanks Patrick!