Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Besides the fact that I still harbor a distinct dislike for Apple because I was "screwed" years ago on a system and even though I have "softened" my feeling towards them over the years, when I see a "BIG BOY" trying to step on the "little guy", I just get my dander up!

Imagine, being a small business...probably an "out of home" one at that and you make slick covers for laptops. So you make these slick covers, call it a TightPod and get a letter from APPLE claiming the name of your product could cause confusion between your brand and the iPod.

Now growing up, you learned what a POD was...
Main Entry: pod
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: vegetable case
Synonyms: capsule, case, covering, hull, husk, sheath, sheathing, shell, shuck, skin, vessel
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Now trust me, if APPLE truly believes that this lady is infringing on their space, they are sick puppies. OK, so what can we do for Terry Wilson? Why not wander over to her site and pick up one of those cool little TightPods for your laptop. God knows, she will need the money to fight off the bullies at APPLE!

C/NET had an article that you can read here

1 comment:

Andre said...

They are also going after the "Profit Pod" vending machine.
Check this out from ZDnet
I figured they would eventually go after anyone with the word "pod" in their name.
Mark my words anything with PODcasting is next...but I believe they are thinking about it... after all they were not first.