Friday, February 24, 2006

Weston Kaufman ... this is NOT Experiencing Mobility

I have been fortunate over a long period of SPAM but recently, it has been coming and if it gets by my SPAM filter, I might inadvertently read a preview. I had to laugh today because I received an email from Weston Kaufman and the following was the email....are they stupid? I can't believe that anyone would reply...but maybe someone does.

It must be the teacher in me but I just laughed at the spelling...

> Discreet Packaging
> Full Online track1ing of order
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> No Do_ctor Vists
> Full Nomey back Guarante
> No Prescrlptions Required
> Subtantial Volume D|scounts

Enter Here >>> http://scrapglass888art.inf

mcknight. tommie at desmond or even hesitant as in inadequate.
brandt was at xylene when that happened chartroom.


Anonymous said...

What is nomey? Unreal!

Anonymous said...

The spelling errors are probably intentional so as to not get caught by your spam filter.

It is crazy, though, that people still reply. I was solicited by the Nigerian bank account email recently.