Thursday, June 15, 2006

Michael S. Lasky, I like your articles!

There are some writers that I always take the time to read their thoughts and Michael Lasky's articles are part of that elite group. It seems to me that with everyone of his articles, I always leave with some new information that will help me Experience Mobility just a little better. A recent article he wrote is a case in point.

Save Time and Money by Customizing Your GPS
Create and store waypoints to help you plan routes more quickly and accurately.

This article, taken from the from the July 2006 issue of PC World magazine, has Michael giving some advice on how GPS receivers are great for avoiding unscheduled detours on the road.

In part, Michael had the following to say about setting waypoints:

Say you are exploring Yosemite National Park by car and foot, and you have set waypoints for a parking lot at the trailhead and for Yosemite Village. As you wander along a twisting mountain trail, you realize that you aren't exactly on the trail anymore; in fact, you're lost. Fortunately, you can use your GPS device to call up a waypoint that will identify the distance between your current position and the parking lot. You won't have street maps, but you can use the compass and the directional arrows to set yourself on the right path back to the trail, your car, or the village. As you get closer to the waypoint, its icon will appear larger on your GPS screen.

Check out his entire article on how you can Save Time and Money by Customizing Your GPS here.

I have been a PC World subscriber for is one of my top 5 magazines I subscribe to. If you have never tried it...I recommend it highly! You can subscribe to PC World here for less than $20...not a bad deal!

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