Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Domino Effect

Very often as I am looking for news items to post about how you can Experience Mobility, I run into a variety of really cool things that have nothing to do with Mobility but are too cool not to share.  I saw these guys a short time ago on Letterman and when I saw it today on Google, I just had to pass it on.  Take the time to relax and enjoy this video...who knows, maybe you're video will appear on the net.

George Strompolos from the  Google Video Team said recently:

A good viral video sets off a chain reaction that continues until nearly everyone has seen it, including your mom (or even Agent 2 ½).

The mad scientists known as EepyBird know a thing or two about chain reactions. They first rocketed into viral video fame by turning the explosive act of mixing Diet Coke and Mentos into an art form. Today they're back with a chain reaction like none other: 500 liters of Diet Coke and 1500+ Mentos, all triggered by the pull of one string.

Don't miss The Domino Effect -- a Google Video exclusive. In addition to being very fun, it demonstrates another interesting application of our Sponsored Video program -- this time with user-generated content. This helps producers like EepyBird earn revenue by pairing them up with our advertising partners.

We're excited to help compensate these independent producers for their creativity, and we can't wait to see who the next stars will be. If you have very compelling videos and are interested in this program,please get in touch.

Check out this very cool video here!

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