With content ranging from team profiles and pub guides, to comprehensive World Cup(TM) history and trivia, the Webaroo 'World Soccer 2006' web pack has everything a fan could need. In addition to the one-step pack, they can identify favorite web sites they wish to take with them -- such as the FIFA site, sports blogs, and ESPN -- and automatically download these sites to search offline, anywhere, anytime.
How soccer fans can have fun with Webaroo:
-- Quickly look up stats on your favorite players during the game
-- Dig up dirt on rival teams before running into a heated debate
-- Win soccer bets at the local pub
With the Webaroo 'World Soccer 2006' pack in your pocket there is no need to search for an internet cafe to have all the best soccer information. Taking the Webaroo 'World Soccer 2006' web pack with you is simple. Go to http://www.webaroo.com, download the free application and the 'World Soccer 2006' web pack to your laptop and sync your mobile devices, and that's it. You can then search and browse the cached web content anytime. Webaroo updates web content automatically in the background whenever laptops connected to the web.
Webaroo 'World Soccer 2006' Web Pack Details
Far more than yesterday's results, the Webaroo 'World Soccer 2006' pack contains a great balance between the latest and historical information about the beautiful game, including:
-- Team and player profiles
-- Team news
-- Soccer legends
-- Soccer facts from sources, such as, BBC, ESPN Star, UEFA and more
-- Soccer news
-- Soccer blogs
-- Official World Cup(TM) Venue Details
-- World Cup(TM) History
-- Soccer trivia
-- Betting
-- Maps
-- Game Schedules
-- Media Coverage
-- Team mascots
Webaroo Consumer Benefits
-- Freedom: People can now search and browse web pages on their laptops and handhelds when they are not connected.
-- Fast: The Webaroo search and browse experience is fast because content is saved on the device. Searches run and pages load at memory speed, unlike other mobile search solutions that suffer wireless network delays or drops.
-- Free: Webaroo is offered free of charge.
-- Real: Web pages are delivered in full graphic form.
-- Relevant: Webaroo servers select pages with the highest content value so users get relevant results.
-- Customizable: Consumers select web content to take with them.
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