Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ActiveSync plug-in for Bluetooth wireless technology

So you have a 700W now? There are so many features, free downloads and pure enjoyment that awaits you but you need to do a bit of investigating to find out what is available. Palm has a variety of great information on their site....so take advantage of what they have to offer.

For example, did you know that.....

Palm provides a Bluetooth ActiveSync driver which is not found in the standard ActiveSync 4.1 download from Microsoft. The Microsoft custom ActiveSync profile creates a seamless user experience for setting up synchronization over Bluetooth from the ActiveSync program on the desktop computer. The custom profile sets up and activates the serial port profile for synchronizing over Bluetooth so that you do not have to create and associate appropriate COM ports. Install the driver from the CD supplied with your smartphone. Insert the Getting Started CD in order to see the option to install or repair your installation of the ActiveSync plug-in.

Check it out....great stuff awaits you!

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