A few months ago a co-worker sent me a link to an Ajax based online word processor called Ajax Write with a message about how brilliant it was. I went to the site full of excited expectation and opened the word processor thinking to myself, "Ah Microsoft what are you going to do now?" Within an instant, I knew the answer. Microsoft does not need to do a thing right now about any competition coming from the online crowd.
Now Google wants to try a spreadsheet...RUBBISH! The truth of the matter is that Google's Spreadsheet doesn't even have the simplest functionality of early versions of Excel. Clearly, it doesn't even remotely offer an experienced user the basics for professional business operation.
Someone said the other day...."Move over Excel here comes Google Spreadsheets ". I think what they meant to say was, excuse me, would you mind moving so I can throw this piece of junk in the waste basket! Google...stick with what you do best...SEARCH
As an aside, for those of you that don't know, Microsoft is developing a focus on providing Web services under the Windows Live and Office Live tag name. From what I can see...this will be HUGE!!
I have signed up to use GOOGLE spreadsheet, haven't yet tried it though. i think what people forget is that not all users are business users. There are many home users who want access to some simple spreadsheet capability that they can share with other people. little League teams were a goos example shown by GOOGLE. Also party planning and such. I can think of many projects that home users do that will benefit. Laura.
I do understand what you are saying but my guess is that anyone who has a computer has some sort of "spreadsheet" capability that came "pre-packaged" with their PC or PDA device....and from what I understand, even the simplest of programs out there have better functionality than Googles new introduction.
This an interesting article on the Google beta:
I agree with you that from point of view of comparing only spreadsheet functionality, then Goggle spreadsheet has nothing to offer (as it is now). However, what works great about it is the ability to access the spreadsheet file from any computer no matter where you are. For example, I have been using Google Spreadsheet to log my billable hours for consulting work. Even if I'm away from my regular computer, I can easily log on from any computer and update my hours, from home, work, the library, a friend's house. Similarly, a small business could use Google spreadsheet to track inventory from any offsite computer by having their workers log-on and make updates. Granted there exists other software that can do this better, but it is not free, or requires overhead/infrastructure to maintain.
The problem that occurs with sharing spreadsheet files by sending them as email attachments is that it becomes difficult to keep the versions synchronized so everyone has the latest version. The shared on-line approach eases this challenge.
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