Monday, February 20, 2006

What's is coming

Over the past several years I have been fortunate to interact in a variety of forums with some pretty terrific folks in the mobile community. One thing leading to another, I eventually had the opportunity become more active and serve as a moderator and Senior Editor of a popular Pocket PC site, Mobility Today.

It was a terrific experience being able to help folks with issues they had with their Pocket PCs and it was very exciting writing about my thoughts on hardware and software that was available for folks to use.

I liked reviewing products because I enjoyed sharing with you my experience with a particular device or an accessory that made using the device just a little bit more fun. When I found a piece of software that was just outstanding, I couldn't wait to tell you about my experience. All of it was done with the hopes that it would make it a little easier for you to EXPERIENCE MOBILITY!

I hope that with Experience Mobility, I might be able to continue to do what I do best...TEACH. If I can help someone new begin to Experience Mobility, then I will have succeeded. If I can help those that have been using mobile devices enhance their ability to Experience Mobility, then I will have succeeded and if as a result of all that I do increases my ability to Experience Mobility at a higher level, then I will have succeeded.

I hope you enjoy it, I know it will be fun doing it so lets Experience Mobility!


Alsicole said...

Hey Jack

Liking the new look! Good luck with the new site!


Jack said...

Thanks for the comments will definitely be a "work in progress"!

John said...

Jack, I'm extremely excited about your blog. The enthusiasm with which you experience mobile technology is a phenomonological panacea for other words I love being your student!

Scott Jordan, CEO of SCOTTEVEST/SeV said...
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Scott Jordan, CEO of SCOTTEVEST/SeV said...


Good luck with your new blog. I love the way look at mobility, and life.

Scott Jordan

Scott Jordan, CEO of SCOTTEVEST/SeV said...
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Darius Wey said...


Best of luck with the new site. It's looking great. :-)

- Darius

Jack said...

I am appreciative of the comments. Thanks harryo, alsicole, richard, jngold, Dave, jfl, Scott and Darius!

This will definitely be a work in progress for a while until I can decide just how I want it to appear. I just hope that ultimately I can in some small way help contribute to the community in how all of us Experience Mobility!