Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Not much today...but I think you can see why

This is my first experience in creating a web site/blog so the learning curve is big but there is movement....slow...but there is movement.

I wanted to see what I could do and what kind of time it takes...I was up last night until 2am playing. I can see why folks buy them pre-done...it is a lot easier but I wanted to say I tried it.

My wife woke me at 4:30 to drive her to the airport in Boston.....she is off to visit family in California so I decided to drive to Maine and relax on my lake.....it is cold up here tonight!!....but the fire is warm and toasty!!

So how did I Experience Mobility today? Well, today I am carrying my HP iPAQ 6515 so I was able to make several calls as I was driving to Maine. During one call, I needed to see something on the web so I pulled over, connected and surfed to the site I needed to see. I got what I wanted and then continued with my call.

The ability to call, surf, carry your calendar and contacts as well as a few games makes experiencing mobility pretty cool with the HP iPAQ 6515.

The picture is not a winter picture but you can see my view and why I like being here.

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