Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mobile Media - Logitech mm28 at its best!

Mike, a member over at Mobilitysite, sent a note today that he was able to get a terrific deal on a set of Logitech mm28 speakers at CompUSA.  In part, Mike said:

Hey Jack I watched your review when you first posted it and was impressed. The price was the only thing that I wasn't sure about. Just my luck I found the mm28 speakers at a CompUSA that was closing for $26! I bought them on the spot. You may have seen them on the Mobility Site iPOD/Zune photo contest, they are the ones on the fork lift (ID mlh1962).

I know how LOUD these speakers are and I am convinced that everyone at Mike's work place knows too!

If you have not seen the video preview I did, check it out here and of course, you can read the written review here.

You might want to head over to Mobilitysite to see some other great shots that others have submitted for the Mobility Site iPOD/Zune photo contest: Mobility Site Gallery

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