Monday, August 21, 2006

Samsung Launches a New Q1

The original Q1 did not seem to make it big so it looks as if they are going to try a new tactic...NO MOVING PARTS. That means the hard drive is gone in favor of a 32GB SSD. Not a bad idea....this could possibly add some new life into the Q1 but even though your data is going to be much more secure, will your pocketbook be empty?

There are three important factors if this change is to be successful...COST...COST...COST! I believe that if they want to "grab the market" they need to "grab the customers" with a price they just can't say no to. What do you think?

Read the Crave-C/NET article


Andre said...

This may be more expensive in the short term but I believe that flash drives will be the answer down the road. As more companies like Sony start utilizing higher capacity flash drives, the prices will start to drop. You just can't beat the speed and durability vs. the hard drive.
For now the prices are just way too high, kind of like the 4gb microdrive from a few short years ago.

Anonymous said...

There's a link on my blog to a detailed performance test of the Samsung SSD disk if you're interested. I write about uninstalling everything from my desktop and have all data online and only use online webapplications. So 32 GB is more than enough for my uninstalled PC.

Jack said...

You can visit Jonas' blog here: