Saturday, August 05, 2006

James Kendrick, a neophiliac and running a new blog!

WOW! What's a neophiliac? And a new blog? James, are you nuts?

Truth be known, James is NOT nuts, he truly is a neophiliac, a person who has an acute addiction to technology.

James will be hosting a NEW blog about mobile phones on the Houston Chronicle called " jkOnThePhone". This in an incredible opportunity for James and a wonderful addition to the Houston Chronicle....their subscribers are going to be in for quite a treat.

Good Luck James!

James Kendrick runs the C/NET Top 100 Tech Blog, jkOnTheRun, that covers everything related to mobile technology and is one of the hosts on the MoTR Podcast. He has written numerous articles for magazines and his work can be found all over the Web. He lives in Houston with his wife Sheri and three kids.

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