Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Apple puts on new Boot Camp

ITWire reported today that Apple Computer has issued an upgrade to its beta dual boot program which enables the new Macintosh range to run Microsoft Windows XP. According to Apple, the 202 MB download of Boot Camp 1.1 beta is a significant improvement on its predecessor with a number of additional features.

You can read the article here


Andre said...

What do you think of running Parallels for Mac to run Windows and OSX simultaneously? You can switch by pressing Ctrl Enter?
It may be easier than rebooting.
Info at:
You can also share files between the 2 systems.
I may like this if I ever enter Mac World.

Jack said...

Very slick tip Andre. I just went there and saw that you can try improved Parallels Desktop for Mac as a free free trial. Sounds pretty cool....alas, I'll probably never get to try it but I would be interested in hearing how well it works.

Does anyone out there want to evaluate the Beta Update of Parallels Desktop for Mac?