Saturday, July 08, 2006

Why I'm going back to a slate

James Kendrick from JKONTHERUN said the other day:
Tracy Hooten, blogger extraordinaire at the StudentTabletPC blog, is giving pure slates another chance. Better yet: she's outlining the reasons this didn't work out the first time she dropped the keyboard as well as what has changed in order for her to give it another go.

I am really strongly considering the move to a tablet, so whenever I get the chance to read what and why someone has or will be making the switch, I read it. It was a pretty good read and I did laugh a bit. Tracy said at one point "I’m young; my attention span is short"

Hey tracy, I'm old; my attention span is practically non-existant!

Read Tracy's thoughts here.


Andre said...

I am old as well.
Attention span -
Sorry, I forgot what I was going to say.
Oh yes - I am considering Tablets as well. From what I have read, Vista should make the Tablet experience well worth it.

Jack said...
