While I was at Mobility Today, I was introduced to MoTR, a podcast with James Kendrick (Tablet MVP) and Kevin Tofel. This is a terrific podcast, always informative and always fun to listen to. I expect that it will soon become extraordinary...they are adding Matt Miller to the team. This promises to be one of the best podcasts on the web!
Many of you know that I have had a very strong desire to get a tablet PC ever since I returned from the MVP conference last summer. Actually it was a discussion I had with James Kendrick while on a bus ride that convinced me that I needed to take the plunge (now my wife knows who to blame).
So, why not head over to the nominations site and vote for MobileTechRounup (or OnTheRun with Tablet PCs). Oh what the heck, go ahead and vote for both!
Podcast Name: MobileTechRoundup
Podcast URL: http://mobiletechroundup.com/
Podcast Name: OnTheRun with Tablet PCs
Podcast URL: http://jkontherun.blogs.com/otrwithtpcs/
Thanks Jack! James and I have a lot of fun doing the podcast and it's always nice to hear such kind words from a listener.
Thanks for the note guys!
I just ordered my first tablet Marc....now I'm going to have to REALLY focus my attention to what you guys say on "OnTheRun with Tablet PCs"! I hope the "learning curve" is fast!
Not that hard of a learining curve. If you can use a pen I think you can learn it.
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