Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Destruction Of The English Language?

Jon Westfall, a contributing Editor at Pocket PC Thoughts brought up a very interesting topic in a thread entitled "The Destruction Of The English Language?".

In part, Jon said:
Earlier This Week on a forum devoted to the Pocket PC version of an anonymous piece of software:

"hi people just installed the app 5 min ago, and be4 the app loads up i get a message saying Expired so how am i ment to c if it works on my device be4 buying. i have had non of the deluxe versions on my xda 4 more than a day cus non of the others worked can sum1 please help me i realy want to buy the app if it works"

Now there was a time when writing like this would have been thought to be the work of an 8 year old, today however, it's common. The scary thing is, it's starting to creep into forums and user groups that common sense suggests it shouldn't. After all, what would this guy use a Pocket PC for?

A very interesting post that has had a lot of replies. I think you might find it interesting. Check it out here and post your thoughts.

I suppose we could sent folks over to the BBC where they have a page on LEARNING ENGLISH.

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