Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Apple does have it blemeshes...

I must admit that I like some of the Apple ads that appear on TV...they are creative. There was on I saw recently that had two men standing, one saying "I'm a Mac" and the other saying "I'm a PC". The "PC" starts sneezing that leads into a discussion that ultimately gives the listener the feeling that only PC's get virus'...not Macs. It is a great ad but a bit deceptive IMHO.

I had to laugh today when I saw an article written by Gregg Keizer from, talking about a "New Trojan(that)Takes On(the)Mac OS X ". He talked about Apple patching the Mac OS for five vulnerabilities and then mentioned that "Symantec posted a notice of a Trojan horse it called "OSX.Exploit.Launchd" on its security site, but had few details other than a successful installation would give an attacker root, or complete, access to Mac OS X 10.4.6 and earlier systems".

I guess when you rotate an Apple to hide the blemishes, they eventually show up all over the Apple!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. In fact, I've been finding those ads quite irritating for a while now. My main problem with them is that they are too much like the worst political (candidates) ads - spending all their time bashing the other guy. They just have a bit of a 'cheap shot' vibe to me ...