Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jan 5th Experience Mobility posts

Gomadic - Pack Light!

So I am slowing getting everything together for CES and I have decided to take my iPAQ 4700, Palm 700W, KJAM and an incredibly wonderful Nokia N80.  Certainly a little over kill but I will use the 4700 while in flight to watch a few movies and I will pick the cell I want to […]


What Happens In Las Vegas …

 … is not meant to stay there!
At least that is what May Wong thinks in an article she published on Entertainment Gets Spotlight at CES in Las Vegas.

I agree with May when she says that “CES is no longer just about gadgets or the number of bells and whistles crammed into them but rather it […]


Can’t get enough of the 360?

Brandon Hill calls it Microsoft’s Second Coming of the Xbox 360 Revealed. Brandon had said an Engadget story indicated that Microsoft’s “Zephyr” was leaked to the press and this baby comes complete with HDMI, 120GB hard drive and 65nm processor.  Sounds very cool and we will be looking for more info at CES.
You can read the Engadget article […]


Is your hard drive full?

Do you remember when you would buy a hard drive and you thought it was a good deal when you paid $1 a MB?  Well, what do you think about paying 40cents for a gig?
Hitachi is about to release a 3.5-inch-diameter 1 terabyte drive for desktops and a little later on in the year a […]


Off to CES

It is time to get ready for CES so today I’m going to try to pack my bag and decide just what “gadgets” I’m going to bring.  Of course I do have a “gadget bag” but it has too much in it so I’ll take the time to empty it and pick just the […]

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